D Vision Works Limited


NLTV2 is an app that allows you to stream the latest Dutch News and current affairs podcasts as quickly and efficiently as possible. There is no need for the video to be downloaded and synched as NLTV2 can accept the video stream directly from the broadcaster to your iPhone or iPod Touch.

Streaming video can be viewed over a WiFi connection and if your device, mobile phone operator and contract allow over a 3G mobile connection.

This App is maintained by a Dutch expat living in the UK and it is used on a daily basis to keep in touch with news and current affairs in the Netherlands, usually when riding on the bus to work but some of the shorter items also get watch in the supermarket queue.

The video that can be accessed by NLTV2 is the video podcasts of the following programmes:

  • NOS Journaal
  • Jeugd Journaal
  • Nova
  • Pauw en Witteman
  • EenVandaag
  • De Wereld Draait Door
  • Radar

Copyright for the various video podcasts accessed by NLTV2 rests with the respective broadcasters of each these video podcasts.