D Vision Works Limited

Shockwave 3D Export

An exporter to export D Sculptor models to Macromedia's .w3d format for use in Macromedia Director 8.5 is now available. Shockwave support support for D Joiner will be added later in the year.

Existing users can get the Shockwave 3D exporter by requesting the D Sculptor 1.02 update.

Shockwave 3D provides hardware accelerated (if accelerator present) 3D rendering on PC and Macintosh platforms along with the possibility to integrate 3D models into a rich multimedia experience.

For for information on Shockwave 3D see the Macromedia website.

The model above is a Shockwave 3D model. In order to rotate it click anywhere on the model and drag the mouse.

Other examples of a Shockwave Exported models are the submarine, radio and shaver models as well as the Shabti of Psamtik model of an Egyptian figurine.